Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cheap fix

ah yo! it a fine day innit
the drizzle a bit, ya cunt!
got mush fer brain, fuckin idiot
can't drive, how ya b'n

Lizzy alrigh comin la'ah?
hear about the bodies
in the subway, Christmas? wast'ah!
trippin weird at Lolly's

dead blokes from two floors
stoned blokes, ya got it?
nuthin doin me, there's more
ten for the fix, dude, have it.

what's that, where u goin?
dun get heavy ur goin down
God is laughing dude, moanin
there's Lizzy, let's together now!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

crown of suffering

as sure as these spikes on my forehead
crown the suffering not dead
so i recoil from
my persistent nude embarrassment
you must look away to hear my subtle instruments

slowly will the holes in my soul
the spikes in my heart
and the shape of my face
start to whistle like bagpipes

to to to ro ton to to ro ton to to!

Friday, December 08, 2006


dis vrees wat nou my drif beseer
die boog wat eens deur mag bekoor
en meesterloos die lot se oor
na vryliker idees wou keer
pyl innerlik en pyn al meer

nag na nag van spannings-angs
die vroeer lewenslus verslyt
asem vergryp uit kille pyp
en liefde reeds verys waarlangs
verdoem tot 'n verslae vangs

ek yl en geleidelik aggressief
met smart en eindeloos gegrief
die lotspel lok met doodsplesier
stom spartels van my lewensspier
vir oulaas nog die lewe lief